Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 3... finally

So, here's the last day of my travels to Columbus, OH... late, but better late than never, right? Tom and Angie apparently have a LOT of jerky, so this was a nice snack along the way:

I went right through the city of Indianapolis, and found this bridge:

While gassing up in Indianapolis, I wondered what that vacillating noise was... turns out there's a racetrack right in the middle of the city... I wonder if that inspired the gas station's name:

Welcome to OHIO!!

Driving with the windows rolled down:

Hilliard... *sniff... my home of 6 weeks:

Burke and McKay:

1 comment:

Jodi said...

That bridge is awesome!! What is the deal with that wooden black cat in the back seat of your car?? Hilliard is where my nephew (Parker) served a lot of his mission!